Our Mission

Bruce Peninsula Association for Community Living promotes people participating and contributing fully in their community and becoming all they can be.

Our Service Principles

Bruce Peninsula Association for Community Living will support people with a development disability in a holistic, person-directed manner recognizing that individuals supported have the same rights as any other citizen.

Service and supports for families and individuals with developmental disabilities will be as inclusive, flexible and adaptable as possible to meet their changing needs. Bruce Peninsula Association for Community Living will promote an inclusive community through advocacy, education, public awareness and the development of partnerships.

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Family Services

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Employment Supports

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annual people

01. Mutual Respect

I want to be treated well and I will be kind to others.  We play together, we work hard together and we help each other.

02. Trust

We need to be honest with each other.  Trust has to be earned.

03. Tolerant/Non-Judgmental Informed Choices

Support me in making choices about my life.

04. Flexibility and Responsiveness

My needs may change at different times in my life.

05. Consistency and Stability

I can count on my worker.

06. Fairness

I want to be treated fairly and I will advocate to be sure that even those who do not have a voice will be treated fairly also.

07. Commitment

I want to do my best.

08. Ownership

I am responsible for my own decisions.

09. Community Inclusion

Taking part in things I enjoy is important to me.  I will work to help the community look at making facilities accessible and be aware of the contributions I can make.

10. Lifelong Learning, Risk and Opportunity

I want to learn and try new things.

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